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Range Anxiety: Customer Feedback on the Range of New Energy Vehicles


As the world continues to move towards cleaner energy, electric and hybrid vehicles are becoming increasingly popular. However, one issue that continues to plague these vehicles is range anxiety. Range anxiety refers to the fear of running out of battery power before reaching a destination. This fear is often cited as a major drawback to purchasing an electric or hybrid vehicle. In this blog post, we will discuss customer feedback on the range of new energy vehicles.

Range of Electric Vehicles

Electric vehicles are powered solely by batteries and have a limited driving range. The range varies depending on the make and model of the vehicle, but many electric vehicles can travel between 100-300 miles on a single charge. However, some customers have reported that the actual range of their electric vehicle is less than what is advertised. This can be due to factors such as driving habits, weather conditions, and terrain.

Customers have also expressed concern about the availability of charging stations. While charging infrastructure is rapidly expanding, some areas still lack the necessary infrastructure to support electric vehicles. This can make it difficult for drivers to find a charging station, leading to range anxiety and a fear of getting stranded.

Range of Hybrid Vehicles

Hybrid vehicles have both a gasoline engine and an electric motor, which work together to power the vehicle. The electric motor provides additional power and can help improve fuel efficiency. However, the range of hybrid vehicles can also be a concern for some customers.

Hybrid vehicles typically have a shorter electric-only range than pure electric vehicles. This means that the gasoline engine will kick in sooner and the vehicle will rely more heavily on gasoline. Some customers have reported that the transition from electric to gasoline power can be jarring and lead to range anxiety.

Range of Plug-In Hybrid Vehicles

Plug-in hybrid vehicles are similar to hybrid vehicles but have larger battery packs that can be charged using an external power source. This allows the vehicle to travel for a longer distance on electric power alone. However, customers have reported that the actual electric range of plug-in hybrid vehicles can be less than what is advertised.

Additionally, plug-in hybrid vehicles can be more expensive than traditional hybrid vehicles, which can be a barrier to entry for some customers. However, the lower fuel costs and potential tax incentives can offset the higher initial cost over time.


Range anxiety is a legitimate concern for customers considering purchasing a new energy vehicle. While the range of these vehicles continues to improve, there are still limitations to be aware of. Customers should research the advertised range of their desired vehicle and take into account their driving habits, location, and access to charging infrastructure. As the demand for new energy vehicles continues to grow, it is likely that these issues will be addressed and range anxiety will become less of a concern for customers.

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